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curriculum vitae narrative

Lisa Ann Richey


Harvard University, USA. Post-Doctoral Research and Training, Anthropological Demography (2000).

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. Ph.D. Political Science (1999).

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. M.A. Political Science (1992).


Professor of Globalization (2018- Current)

Dept. of Management, Society and Communication
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)

Director of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RU)


Professor of International Development Studies (2012-2018)

Dept. of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University (RU)


Visiting Professor (2017-2018)

Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University USA

Visiting Professor (2014)

Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, Univ. of Trento, Italy


Research and Teaching Management Experience:


I have spent a total of 51 months doing fieldwork in Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, and Democratic Republic of Congo), and have also been involved in research capacity building partnerships for university education between Demark and Tanzania as documented in my cv.


I have been the research leader on the following projects:


  • PI: Danish Social Science Research Council 2016-2020) Commodifying Compassion: Implications of turning people and humanitarian causes into marketable things. Amount assigned to Richey: € 560,000 (lead PI with 2 postdocs)


  • PI: Roskilde University Research Priority Area (2012-2015) and Copenhagen Business School Sustainability Platform, Research Network on Celebrity and North-South Relations assigned to Lisa Ann Richey: € 10,700 (plus 2 post-doc grants independently funded)


  • PI: Danish NGO Forum (2013) Finding Frames Denmark: pilot research project Amount assigned to Lisa Ann Richey: € 9,000 (with a co-I and research assistant)


  • PI: Danish Development Research Council (Forskningsrådet for Udviklingsforskning) (2004-2010) The Politics of Access to Anti-Retrovirals in the Treatment of African AIDS.  

Amount assigned to Lisa Ann Richey: € 253,000


I have significant leadership experience in teaching as Director of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University (ISE-PhD)(2012-present)  previously named Doctoral School of Society and Globalisation, DSSG


Before becoming Director of ISE-PhD (previously named DSSG), I was the Director of the Graduate School of International Development Studies (2011-2012).  I had served on the Steering Committee for the Graduate School during the previous two years (2010-2012), and participated in the evaluation committees for our internal PhD Scholarships and Guest PhD Fellowships.


Since 2012, I have been leading a transnational research network on Celebrities in North-South Relations with seven core researchers and affiliates across six countries on four continents.  We have a website, active Facebook page and twitter profiles.  I have a new article in African Affairs on the concept of ‘Afropolitanism’ that bridges the celebritization of humanitarianism with the rise of elite African cultural forms.  Also, from this network, we have a book entitled Celebrity Humanitarianism and North-South Relations: Politics, Place and Power (Routledge). Professor John Street known for his seminal work on celebrity politics wrote this support of the book: ‘on the basis of careful observation and forensic analysis. Together, the authors force us to re-think our understanding of who and what celebrities are, their role in international relations, and the complex politics that forge the link between the two.’ I have been interviewed frequently in the Danish and American news media on celebrities in politics. I also co-authored a popular entry on ‘Celebrities in International Affairs’ in the Oxford handbook of politics. My work was featured in a Peace News Video on ‘Can Celebrities Bring Peace.

I have practical experience with engaging my research with the public ranging from my interview cited in a Newsweek article (15 August 2015) on philanthropy after hurricane Katrina to presenting my work and organizing panels regularly at the ISA conferences. I have also engaged with the private sector through consulting and networking in Scandinavia and the U.S.  For example, I collaborated with the Danish NGO Forum to support work on Finding Frames Denmark, a research-based initiative to understand what messages are being communicated in contemporary NGO campaigns in Denmark. I have ongoing networking with the Danish Family Planning Organization (Sex og Samfund) and worked as a gender consultant for DanChurchAid, including writing their institutional gender policy.  I was part of a Danida consultancy team on the Formative Research Programme in Nepal, expanding my work on public sector service provision from health to education. I have also appeared on the Danish television program Deadline and in Udlandsnyt on the issue of corruption in The Global Fund, and I write editorials in Danish newspapers on issues of public interest that connect to my research expertise.

So glad to see Celebrity Humanitarianism and North-South Relations: Politics, Place and Power at the conference book exhibit

Fieldwork in Machame, Kilimanjaro where I shared an office and nyumba with Claire Mercer.

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